
Tired of tracking your calorie intake?

This is now a noted fact that in order to lose weight ie, fat loss, or to gain weight you have to take calories from your meal in a proportionate manner. But, the question arises ​that do we​ need to take care of our calorie intake for life long in order to be fit?

The answer is NO. ⁣

Tracking macros is a temporary tool to help you learn and a strategy to help you reach your goals more efficiently!⁣ Now your goal can be fat los, muscle building, getting fit, gain weight etc..however to achieve your goal tracking of which food you eat and how many calories you consume is tracking of calories that is your protein, carbs and fats intake in your meal. But, there are many instances in day today life that requires social gatherings, going out for dining, office parties etc. So, what should one can do? You need to analyse these things yourself.​ ​

Well you may think about it like this:⁣

You get a new job and you turn on your GPS to map the route to your new office. ⁣

You could probably figure out how to get there without the GPS but it might take longer. You might take some wrong turns. You might second guess yourself or change course along the way, all delaying your arrival.⁣

If you just use the GPS for a week or two you’ll learn the route and eventually be able to get there on your own. ⁣

Tracking macros is the same way! You track to reach your goal, build good habits, learn portion sizes, learn what’s in your meal plan, and then eventually you’ll know. You’ll be more successful without tracking.⁣

For example, say you have a new goal. You want to build muscle, lose fat, or train for a marathon then you may reintroduce tracking. ⁣

Similar to what you would do if one day you had a client meeting at a new office, you would use your GPS to get there.

⁣Tracking is a way to learn. It will help you manage vacations better, be more mindful at restaurants and reach your goals more efficiently. It’s not a trap you’re stuck in forever.